Family of Garret^3 Van Wicklen

(Photo is of the Brookville
Reformed Church that stands on the site of the Wolver Hollow Reformed Dutch
Church that was founded in 1732 by a small group of Dutch families. Pastor Allan
B. Ramirez, the current pastor of Brookville holds the original church records
(1732-1788) that have been in the possession of this church since the beginning.
Garret Van Wicklen moved from Jamaica, NY to Wolver Hollow in 1740 and purchased
a farm near the Wolver Hollow church. Garret's son, Jacob (his 11th child) was
christened in this church on 19 November 1741. A sign on the church indicates
that the first church building on this site was dedicated 25 April 1734 and it
was razed in 1832. A second edifice was built and dedicated in 1833, and it
burned down 27 Jan 1924. The church in the photo is the third edifice on this
site and dates from 1924.)
Garret^3 Van Wicklen (Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 13 September 1691 in Jamaica, Queens, NY
Married: Helena Ammerman (b. 23 September 1700) about 1721 in Jamaica, Queens, NY
1. Garret^4 Van Wicklen (b. 26 November 1722); Jamaica, Queens, NY
2. Cornelia^4 Van Wicklen (b. 21 August 1724); Jamaica, Queens, NY
3. Catryntie^4 (Catherine) Van Wicklen (b. 10 October 1726); Jamaica, Queens, NY
4. Leybertie^4 Van Wicklen (b. 29 September 1728); Jamaica, Queens, NY
5. Sara^4 Van Wicklen (b. 26 November 1729); Jamaica, Queens, NY
6. Paulus^4 Van Wicklen (b. 24 February 1732); Jamaica, Queens, NY
7. Jan^4 (John) Van Wicklen (b. 1 October 1733); Jamaica, Queens, NY
8. Aeltjie^4 Van Wicklen (b. 3 April 1735); Jamaica, Queens, NY
9. Helena^4 Van Wicklen (b. 5 October 1737); Jamaica, Queens, NY
10. Marya^4 Van Wicklen (b. 17 September 1739); Jamaica, Queens, NY
11. Jacob^4 Van Wicklen (b. 29 October 1741); Wolver Hollow, NY
12. Abraham^4 Van Wicklen (b. 28 September 1744); Wolver Hollow, NY
Garret's parents are Gerrit and Tryntje (Gerrits) Van Wicklen
Helena's parents are Paulus and Cornelia (Emans) Amerman of Jamaica, NY
Background information:
Garret^3 Van Wicklen (Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was born Sept. 13, 1691, probably at home in Jamaica, Queens, Long
Island, and was named for his maternal grandfather (and father). He died in Wolver Hollow, L.I. before April 29, 1782 when
his will was proved. About 1721, he married Helena AMMERMAN, born Sept. 23, 1700 (buried June 23, 1779), daughter of
Paulus and Cornelia (EMANS) AMERMAN of Jamaica. Gerrit^3 moved in 1740 to Wolver Hollow in Oyster Bay, L.I. buying
a farm on the west side of “the highway leading from Jericho to Matinecock” near the Dutch church (now the Brookville
Reformed Church). He was chosen Overseer of Highways for “Wolver” at the 1754 and 1755 Oyster Bay town meetings. He
obtained a seat in the church in 1754. He made his will 17 May 1774 “well in health of body.” It reads as follows: ABSTRACT
OF WILLS (NY Co. Wills 34:532, WNYHS 10:234). “Know all men that I, Garret VANWICKLEN, of Woolverhollow, Oysterbay, Queens
County, yeoman, being this seventeenth day of May, 1774, well in health of body. All my just debts and funeral charges to be paid, I leave to my loving wife Helena the use of
my household goods within my house, and the use of the best rooms of my house, and the use of one third of my lands, and the
one third of the use of my farming utensils during the time that she remains my widow; and to be in lieu of her Dower. Unto my
three youngest sons, John, Jacob, and Abraham, all my lands in the Township of Oysterbay, together with all my houses,
buildings, and improvements, to be equally divided. My daughter Mary to have the privilege to live and dwell in my house so long as
she remains single. Unto my eldest son, Garret, two bonds which I have against him; one for 200 pds. and the other for 70 pds.,
both principal money out of which there was 20 pds., his own money that he had from his uncle John Vanwycklen. As to my son
Paul, I have heretofore given until him his full share in my estate, which shall satisfy for his part. Unto my seven daughters,
Corneto, Catherine, Elizabeth, Sarah, Alchey, Helen, and Mary, all money that I have at interest, to be divided equally. My three
sons, John, Jacob, and Abraham, shall pay until my seven daughters 60 pds. apiece. If my three sons or either of them should
neglect to pay them, my executors are to sell so much of my lands as will fully pay these legacies. Unto my three sons, John,
Jacob, and Abraham, all my horses with my waggons and plows to be equally between them divided. Unto my four sons Garret,
John, Jacob, and Abraham, and my seven daughters, all my stock of cattle and household goods to be equally divided after my
wife’s decease. I make my son-in-law, John Monfort of Wheatly, and my friends, Isaac Boget and Anthony Van Noorstrand, all of
Oysterbay, executors. Witnesses, Jan Seaman, Jane Willis, James Blonchfill, of Oysterbay, Yeoman, Samuel Willis. Proved April
29, 1782.”
Children: Garret^4 was born ll/26/1722 and bap. 12/23/1722 (sponsors Jan and Seytie Van Wecklen--aunt and
uncle) and was buried 9/6/1777. He married Annatje Hardenberg, dau. of Hendrikus and Jannetje (Dorland) Hardenberg bur.
11/27/1802. The “land of Garret Vanwickle Jr.” in W.H. is mentioned in a 1769 deed. He served as keerkmeester 1769-72. His
estate is listed on the 1788 Oyster Bay tax list. Admin. of his estate was not granted until 1812, to his daughter Jane and
brother Jacob. Cornelia^4 was born 21 Aug 1724 and bap. 13 Sep 1724, sponsored by
grandparents Pouel and Cornelis Ammerman. Cornelia^4 married about 1751 to Jacob VAN NOSTRAND of East Woods
(Syosset-Woodbury), Oyster Bay, son of Albert and Egbertie (Hendrickson) VAN NOSTRAND, bap. 5 Apr. 1723 Jamaica, bur. 7 Apr. 1779. She was called Cornelia
Van Wicklen at the baptisms of her children and her parents were sponsors for her dau. Lena. They had 7 children.
Catryntie^4 was born 10 Oct 1726 and bap. 4 Nov 1726, sponsors were great-uncle and aunt Pieter and Leena Gerresen. She was
bur. 23 Apr 1784. She married Morris Cashow around 1754, son of Johannes and Marytje (Simonson) Cashow. Morris died 23
Apr 1812. She was called Catryna Van Wickkelen at the bap. of her only known child, Maria/Mary Cashow.
Leybertie^4 (Elizabeth) was b. 29 Sep 1728 and bap. 1 Nov 1728, sponsored by uncle and aunt, Hannes Ammerman, Gerrebrech Van Nuys.
Leybertie^4 m. Gabriel Koek around 1756. Was called Elesabat Van Wekkelen at bap. of only child, Lena and sp. were her
parents, Garret and Helena Van Wicklen. Sara^4 was b. 26 Nov 1729 and bap. 25 Dec. 1729 (no sponsors). She died Nov 13,
1803, m. 4 Oct 1767 to John Monfoort of Wheatley, Oyster Bay, son of Abram and Sara (Dilmas) Monfoort. John Monfoort
was bap. 21 May 1725 and d. June 15, 1792. Sara^4 is called Van Wicklen at the baptisms of her children, and her father
(Garret^3) names John as his son-in-law. They had five children. Paulus^4
was b. 24 Feb 1732 and bap. (as Pouwel) 2 Apr 1732, sponsors (grandparents) Pauwel and Cornelia Ammerman. Paulus^4 m. Hendrickye REMSEN about 1755, the dau. of
John and Annate (Hoogland) REMSEN of W.H. At the Oyster Bay town meetings of 1763 and 1763, Powel Vanwickly was
elected Highways Overseer for half of W.H. He moved to Dutchess Co. by 1772, when he and Hendricke had a dau. bap. at
Poughkeepsie. Paul VanWickler’s land was the boundary of a highway district in Charlotte Precinct (now Clinton). Paul Van
Wickeleer served in 4th Regt., Dutchess Co. Militia (1781-2) and was entitled to land bounty
rights. On 16Nov1797 a Paul Van Wickley petitioned for land in Upper Canada, as a settler. They had seven, poss. 8 children.
Jan^4 (John) was b. 1 Oct 1733 and bap 21 Oct 1733, sponsored by (uncle and aunt) Dierck and Jannetie Ammerman. He died
unmarried between 12 June 1815 and 5 Mar 1823 (dates of his will which names brother Powl’s sons and brother Jacob’s
children. John^4 lived in W.H., probably with brother Abraham. His 1800 household shows 2 males 45 and over. Was elected
Highways Overseer for W.H. South and obtained church seat in 1788. No children. Aeltje^4 was b. 3 Apr 1735 and bap 4 May
1735, sp. Jan and Aaltie (Van Liew) Dorlant. Aeltje^4 married c. 1764 Joost SNEDIKER of W.H., son of Garret and Christiana
(Lequear) Snediker, b. 5 Nov 1738, d. 13 Apr 1784. She is called Aeltje Van Wicklen at her children’s baptisms. Her
later history is not known. They had four children. Helena^4 was born 5 Oct 1737 and bap. (as Leena) 20 Nov 1737. She died
Oct. 1826 at age 89 and was bur. in W.H. She m. David LAYTON (c. 1757) of Wheatly, Oyster Bay, son of William and
Margriet (Kettels) LAYTON, b. NYC 1733 and died 17 Jun 1810 at age 77. She is called Lena Van Wicklen at bap. of her
children. They had 11 children. Marya^4 was b. 17 Sep 1739 and bap. 7 Oct 1739, the last of the children born at
Jamaica, Queens. She died unmarried 29 Jun 1789. Maria Van Wickelen, spinster, obtained a church seat in 1785. A fieldstone in
Brookville Cemetery reads “MVW 1789.” She is called Molly in the record of her burial. Jacob^4
was born 29 Oct 1741 and bap. 19 Nov 1741, and died 10 Nov 1833. He married (c. 1770-1) Maria Nostrand, dau. of Gerrit and Maria (Vanderbilt)
Nostrand of East Woods, Oyster Bay, b. 21 Feb 1753, d. 13 July 1840. Jacob lived in W.H. and between 1776 and 1816 held
many town offices (Highways Overseer and Commissioner, Overseer of the Poor, Assessor, Justice of the Peace) and served as
Moderator of Town meetings and on various town committees. He obtained a church seat in 1785 and was for many years a
member of the Consistory, which often met at his home. Had 11 children. John, Jacob, and Abraham all appear on the 1776
roll of Wolver Hollow militia with brother-in-law Captain David LAYTON. After the battle of Long Island, the names of
Garret, Jacob, John, and Abraham appear on Queens County 21Oct1776 petition pledging loyalty to King George.
Abraham^4, b. 28 September 1744 (no bap. found), died unmarried abt 1827-8. No children.
Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); pp. 241-245.